Dolly's Bike Blog

Musings about fun between my legs

Rest day in Garberville 10/5/17

This post will be short, as there isn’t much to say about Graberville..  Population in 2010 census: 913, about 200 miles north of San Francisco.  As someone described it, Graberville is a stoner town.  It happens to be cannabis harvest season and the town is full of “trim-igrants”, mostly young people, from all over the world, who have arrived hoping to get a job trimming the cannabis plants.  Apparently the pay was once pretty good, but no more.  And the smell of marijuana is pervasive, so much so that I was feeling vertigo walking the 4 retail blocks of the town.

It was a good place to just rest.  I used the elevator for every trip up and down one flight of stairs.  I did laundry.  I read.  I tried to nap.  Hopefully my body has recovered as we have a 70 mile, 6000 feet of climb day tomorrow to Fort Bragg – the good news is another rest day on Saturday.

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