Dolly's Bike Blog

Musings about fun between my legs

Statesboro, GA to Point South, SC: May 3

As we set out this morning for the longest ride so far (c. 71 miles), I was overwhelmed by the cool air, the lush green of the grass and trees, the blueness of the sky.  I kept thinking of the … Continue reading

Glennville to Statesboro, GA: May 2

I was somewhat under the weather today, due to inflamed sinuses, likely spring-time allergies.  Chose to ride with my glasses instead of contact lenses, and did a fair number of snot rockets off the bike…. Then I read the post … Continue reading

Blackshear to Glennville, GA: May 1

It was a cool morning as we headed out US 84 – the morning shadows, combined with trucks and rumble strips were a challenge.  The best photo of the day (missed) was of about 20 women surrounding the sag vehicle … Continue reading