March 11, Brawley to Blythe, CA:
I was just too tired to write last night. Biked into the hotel close to 6 pm after 9+ hours on the road, took a quick shower, then the group went to dinner at the local Sizzler. I came back to the room and just “chilled.”
So, on the road yesterday by 7:30 am, quite a chill in the early morning air. We were to stay on SR 78 most of the day, which turned out to be quite a truck route as well. I suspect that the trucks use it to transition from I-10 (to/from Los Angeles) to I-8 (to/from San Diego).
Early on we passed a cattle feeding facility with solar panels – can’t figure out if they are keeping the cows warm?
Also passed a sign that was a bit disconcerting:
We had been told about the Chocolate Mountains and from a distance they were beautiful. On our way, we passed the Imperial Sand Dunes. Over the weekend, the Dunes would have been filled with dune buggies, but only saw a few today.
In addition to the trucks and the continuing uphill climb, we had miles of dips, short downhills followed by steep uphills (more than rollers), plus rough pavement and headwinds. Very slow progress. Because of the barren area, the trailer provided us with lunch, a welcome stop in the middle of the desert. And I was thankful for the IPod and speakers to provide music as I pedaled.
Also passed the Vista Gold Mine, in operation since the 1960s. Nearby I spotted a large chain link fence and what looked like stadium lights. I was able to stop 2 men from the mine to ask questions. The fence is to keep the endangered desert tortoises out of the fence area, which is to become a landfill for Los Angeles garbage!
In the midst of all this desert, the sag wagon had a flat tire and a AAA man was dispatched from El Centro, more than 50 miles away, who made a quick tire change. Also had to pass through a US Customs Inspection Station (I passed!).
After up and over and around the Chocolate Mountains, we returned to “farm country”, all irrigated by the Colorado River. They grow corn, cotton, and grass in this area I was told.
This is “volunteer” cotton by the roadside; they were just preparing the soil for planting now.
We are staying at the Capital Suites Hotel for 2 nights. My roommate is Pat Rush from Schenectady, New York. She is the oldest member of the group, and is one of the sag drivers. She is looking forward to meeting up with her husband in Globe, AZ early next week.
88 miles.
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