Dolly's Bike Blog

Musings about fun between my legs


Happy New Year!  I hadn’t been paying close attention to the calendar, and the number of days until the start of my adventure.  But now it is 2013, and the countdown really begins: 31 days in January, 28 days in February, then 7 days in March until I meet up with the other cycle adventurers!  That is 66 days to go from today.

To celebrate the new year, I decided to try two-a-day: we rode 31 miles on the tandem with the regular tandem group from The Villages (5 teams, plus 2 stray singles).
When we got home, Don went to play golf, and I climbed on my single for another 21 miles – 52 total for the day. We will see how my hip/buttocks feels later this evening (problems as a result of a rear end “collision” in the car in mid-December). I am determined that these pains will not deter my cycling.

It is so wonderful to have the sunshine, even the winds. I dread the 5 weeks back in Indianapolis between Florida and heading out west, especially when I read emails from tour-mates who are spinning 3 hours indoors. I will just have to imagine the sunshine.

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