There is a foot of snow in the Indianapolis area, but Don and I have escaped to The Villages, Florida, warmly welcomed by our tandem friends Ray and Linda Cannarella.
On December 26th, it snowed all day, dropping 8 inches. We completed errands on Thursday, then headed out of town early Friday morning. The dusting that was forecast for Friday afternoon in Indianapolis, turned into 4 more inches. Those conditions are certainly not conducive to outdoor biking.
When we arrived on Saturday afternoon, I unpacked, then went out for a 14 mile spin. The sun was glorious. And the sun continued this afternoon (Sunday), though the thermometer didn’t get above 50 degrees. I could have done with less wind, but it is a good training experience.
Don is fighting a cold, so we haven’t been on the tandem yet – planned for tomorrow. I am hoping to bike every day we are here, maybe even two-a-days, on the tandem in the morning, the single after lunch. No hill training, but good for legs and bottom. Happy cyclist!